ICCN 2024 ICCN 2024

Call for Abstracts

The Scientific Programme Committee of the ICCN 2024 welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentation.


Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission:
31 July 2024 20 August 2024
Notification of Acceptance of abstracts:
End September 2024

Accepted abstracts will be published in “Nephrology” Journal. 


Abstract Categories

  1. Acute kidney injury
  2. Chronic kidney disease
  3. Hypertension and renovascular kidney disease
  4. Diabetic kidney disease
  5. Glomerular and tubulointerstitial disease
  6. Dialysis
  7. Pediatric nephrology and genetic disease
  8. Transplantation
  9. Sustainable nephrology
  10. Basic science
  11. Artificial intelligence for management of kidney diseases
  12. Others

Abstract format and content

  1. Abstract must be submitted in English.
  2. Maximum 450 words: Your abstract may be rejected if the word limit is exceeded. A maximum of 2 graphs, tables or images saved in JPEG/PNG format can be included in your abstract.
  3. You are recommended to organize the body of the abstract as follows:
    - Background
    - Methods
    - Results
    - Conclusion
  4. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject and/or to edit the abstract.

Young Investigator Award

ICCN2024 will award a number of young investigators for recognition of the outstanding and original researches (represented by the submitted abstracts).


The presenting author should be 1) of Chinese ethnicity and 2) aged 40 years or younger before the Congress date.